Earchi.org antenna is a DX monster!

New video: Earchi.org S9 Antenna rocks! The earchi.org antenna is a type of antenna designed for amateur radio use. It is also known as the End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antenna, and it was first developed by Steve Yates (AA5TB) in the early 2000s. The earchi.org antenna is a simple and lightweight antenna that can be easily … Read more

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The ELAD ASA-15 antenna splitter


The ELAD ASA-15 is an antenna splitter designed for use in radio communication systems. It allows multiple radio receivers to share a single antenna without interfering with each other or degrading the quality of the received signals. The ASA-15 is designed to work with antennas that have a coaxial feedline, and it has four output … Read more

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Different SSTV Modes

SSTV Modes

The main focus of this file is on SSTV because information on this mode is so scarce. I keep trying to ignore WEFAX and ATV because they are even larger topics already well covered by various handbooks and magazines. However, some WEFAX and ATV information sneaks in when it is closely related to SSTV, for … Read more

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FTdx1200 Trick

Yaesu tip

The factory setting for the Contour control in these radios is ok, but I prefer to turn the adjustment from being a frequency muter to being a frequency booster. It really makes it difficult to copy audio pop out from the noise. I find 2500 Hz to be the sweet spot to boost. This applies … Read more

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